Some of the books we distribute to inmates. Your support allow us to distribute them in greater numbers. Thank you in advance for your help.

Eight books in Isaac Ambrose's 9-book series entitled "Looking Unto Jesus, The Author and Finisher of Our Faith.” All in modern English. Each covers a different phase of Jesus' ministry. They are absorbing, insightful, thorough, faith enriching, beautifully written and presented. All reasons this book, when published around 1650, was held in the same esteem at Bunyon’s Prilgrim’s Progress. It is a magnificent read. If you would like to see what the inmates are reading, get them yourself by clicking the book number below. The 9th book is in the works.

Book 1 - Book 2 - Book 3 - Book 4 - Book 5 - Book 6 - Book 7  - Book 8

The Apostle John, in his book by the same name, sets out to prove that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, is God Himself, is God incarnate. John chooses 7 miracles that Jesus did during His earthly ministry to prove just that. These are the miracles he used. When you finish this book, the reader can’t help but agree.  Click here to get this book.

When Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be “born again” to inherit eternal life, Nicodemus thought he knew what that meant. In the Israel of his day a man could be born again 6 different times in his life. This book looks at what it means to a Christian to be born again. This book shows the reader that the term is beautifully accurate as God formulates it in his or her life. If you’d like to get this book Click Here!

God identifies Himself as I AM to Moses in the Burning Bush.  As if that’s all Moses needed to know. But Moses wanted more. God was asking him to do something he felt extremely uncomfortable doing and he wanted to know by whose authority he was being sent. “When Israel asks me who you are, what name should I give.” This book is God’s reply to Moses. Who God is and why He is to be trusted. If you’d like to get it, click here.

Psalm 19 can be read several ways, all of them truthful and important. When I read it, it looked to me like God presenting stepping-stones to Himself. The first step is awareness that He must exist, that someone beyond ourselves must have created this incredibly complex and imaginative creation we see everywhere we look. The last step is an intimate, loving, relationship with the father who guides our every step, and bring us eternal reward with Him. This book goes through these and all the steps between. If you’d like to get it, click here.

Ephesians 6:10 describes the spiritual war we wake up to fight every morning. To protect ourselves, God tells us to put on the whole armor of God first thing. This book covers what that means, and how to do it. It’s a must for every Christian. If you’d like this one, click here.

In so many Christian gatherings, particularly in prison where inmates vie for every ounce of self-respect and the respect of the other inmates, the smallest disagreements can become lethal. Christians need to be unified, learn how to settle disputes, learn that God wants them to love one another, and in doing so, love and get along with others. This book presents that case admirably. To get this, click here.

Fear is a terrible feeling to walk around with, especially in a place like a prison where fear is justified. This book takes a look at the ways we can deal with fear, the best way, being, to give it to Jesus, and rely on His promises. This book presents that case very well. If you’d like to get this book, click here.

God tells us to pray without ceasing. But why. This book takes the reader on a journey where he or she learns how to pray, why prayer is so important, and how it effects our relationship with the most important person in our lives, our Triune God. Click here to get this book.

When things go wrong, when people disappoint us, when we disappoint ourselves, we find ourselves enduring difficulties, trials. Nobody enjoys going through things like that. Yet James tells us that we’re to count it as joy to endure hard times. How’s that possible? This book tells us how. What it? Click here.

There are many religious leaders in this world, or have been in the world, why should we place Jesus above them all? When Jesus tells us that He only is the way to God, to the Father, why should we believe Him? This book tells us why. When you finish it, you’ll know why believing in Jesus is your only path to heaven. Don’t miss this evangelistic tool. Click Here!

Why is it when things are going so beautifully for us something happens, something evil happens? Perhaps it ends with prison. What’s going on? Why does evil happen? This book tells us, not only why, but what to do about it when it does. Pastor Mike Clark does a masterful job explaining everything. Get it!

1740, the great awakening in the colonies: colonists were coming to Christ as never before. God used this famous sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God,” given by Jonathan Edwards in a mighty way during that revival. It’s time to help Him use it again. The 18th century language has been updated so the incredible impact that it had then can be had again.  Get it! Click Here.

David is fleeing from his son, Absalom, who, if he catches David, will kill him. It’s a tense time for David, and it’s all his fault. He’s the one who sinned with Bathsheba, he’s the one who brought this danger into his family. He wrote Psalm 3 as a result of this frightening experience. This book examines the Psalm and tells the reader how to handle those moments of great anxiety, when the danger is real, but when also God’s love for you is equally real. Don’t miss this one. Click Here!

There are a number of reasons men must father there children while separated from them, divorce, incarceration, even jobs. Yet, their influence on their kids is too important to just abdicate it. This book takes a Christian look at this issue and gives the absentee father real guidance in fulfilling his God given role. Want to read it?

Taken from a sermon, this examination of the Jewish Passover shows in heartfelt detail why Jesus is called “The Lamb of God,” and what it means to us that that He fulfilled all that the Father asked of Him, then rose again three days later. This book is too important to miss. Read it today!