Out Alive eXpress News

Iran Wreaking Mideast Havoc, Launches Satellite with Reference to 'End Times' Islamic Mahdi



The radical Islamic regime in Iran fueled more attacks and raised serious alarms across various locations in the Middle East over the weekend.

In the case of the two Navy SEALs who've been missing since their mission to seize Iranian missiles on January 11, the U.S. Navy has ended an "exhaustive" search.

The two SEALs are now presumed dead after a 10-day search covering more than 21,000 square miles off the coast of Somalia.

They had been in the process of seizing a ship carrying Iranian-made weapons bound for terrorists in Yemen. The SEALs were operating in rough seas at night when one of them fell into the water and the second jumped in after him.

Iranian-Backed Houthi Terrorists in Yemen

On Saturday, the U.S. carried out new strikes on Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, who have been targeting shipping in the Red Sea. U.S. Central Command said the airstrikes targeted "a Houthi anti-ship missile that was aimed into the Gulf of Aden and was prepared to launch.”

“U.S. forces determined the missile presented a threat to merchant vessels and U.S. Navy ships in the region, and subsequently struck and destroyed the missile in self-defense,” a Central Command statement said. 

US Forces Under Attack in the Middle East

Meanwhile, attacks on U.S. forces in the Middle East are increasing.

In Iraq, a number of troops are being evaluated for potential traumatic brain injuries after a weekend attack on a joint U.S.-Iraqi air-base.

Iranian-backed forces launched multiple ballistic missiles and rockets at the base Saturday.

U.S. forces have been targeted in more than 100 attacks over the past several months.

Iran Connects Satellite Launch with Apocalyptic Islamic Mahdi

Also on Saturday, the Iranian regime launched a new Soraya satellite into orbit. It's now positioned 460 miles above the Earth's surface. Footage from the rocket launch revealed an Islamic religious verse referring to Shiite Islam's 12th hidden imam, also known as the "mahdi" or "Muslim messiah," written on the side of the rocket. 

MUST SEE:  Iran's Plan to Destroy Israel, Usher in Muslim 'Messiah'

The United States has previously said Iran’s satellite launches defy a U.N. Security Council resolution, expressing concern that it's part of Tehran's ongoing steps toward developing nuclear missiles.

In a 2023 worldwide threat assessment, U.S. intelligence said the development of satellite launch vehicles “shortens the timeline” for Iran to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBMs) because it uses similar technology. 

ICBMs can be used to deliver nuclear weapons, and Iran has vowed to destroy both the U.S. and Israel. 

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By Hal Lindsey (hallindsey.com)

The trigger on a gun need not be large for the gun to be deadly. The Gaza Strip is 25 miles long and only 7.5 miles wide at its widest point. The Gaza trigger has been pulled. We do not yet know the damage it will cause. So far, escalation seems to be the word of the hour. Gaza’s war has already escalated beyond the Middle East — drawing in Russia, China, Europe, and the United States. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6), and you will be praying for peace on earth.

On Thursday, October 26th, three men met in Moscow. The least credentialed of the three was by far the most important, at least for now. He is Musa Abu Marzouk, an engineer educated in the United States, who became a key leader of Hamas. If the terror group had a Secretary of State, it would be Marzouk. He met with the deputy foreign ministers of Russia and Iran. Their stated purpose was to discuss Hamas’s continuing war with Israel.

According to Ezekiel 38, Russia and Iran will one day lead a coalition of nations in a massive assault against Israel. God will intervene on Israel’s behalf — not with iron dome missile interceptors, but with His own mighty hand. 

Until the Islamic revolution of 1978-79, Russia (then the Soviet Union) and Iran had been highly antagonistic. That began to change with the revolution. The relationship grew much stronger during this century with Vladimir Putin in charge of Russia. As the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, Iran has been the target of many sanctions from the United Nations, the United States, and others. But Putin’s Russia continued to trade with Iran, severely limiting the sanctions’ impact. Russia and Iran now maintain close military and economic ties.

At the end of the meeting, Marzouk said of Hamas, “We look at Russia as our closest friend.”

That same day in the Middle East, US F-16s struck two facilities in eastern Syria, a weapons depot and an ammunition storage site. The Americans went to great pains to make sure there would be no human casualties. The facilities are used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated groups. The affiliated groups had made 19 attacks against US military installations in the 10 days leading up to the US response.

Administration officials made it clear that they see those who are attacking American forces as proxies of Iran. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said, “Iran wants to hide its hand and deny its role in these attacks against our forces. We will not let them.”

The 19 attacks against US installations caused injuries and contributed to the “cardiac episode” of a US contractor that resulted in his death. The United States had to respond, but did so in the mildest way possible. The Biden Administration seemed determined not to escalate the situation. Even so, the US attack in Syria did cause an escalation.

Israel’s necessary ground incursion into Gaza will also provoke some level of escalation. Will Hezbollah — with its 100,000 troops and as many as 200,000 missiles — fully enter the fray from the north? Might Iran move directly against Israel, the United States, or both? For years, the Iranians have been practicing and planning assaults against US aircraft carriers. With the Eisenhower carrier group headed for the Persian Gulf just off Iran’s coast, is it possible they might finally dust off those plans and give it a try?

Planet Earth is armed to the teeth. Its leaders seethe with pride and anger. Pray. Do as the Bible says. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”

Stay Informed: I know it's difficult to find up to date and accurate information about the war in Israel. HalLindsey.com is being updated throughout the day and into the night linking to various trusted sources, many of them Israeli. Hal always says, if you want to know what's going on with Bible prophecy, just look at what's going on with Israel - Click Here -

Programing Note: Part 4 of Hal Lindsey Presents: The Coming of the Last World Super Power airs tonight, November 12th at 11pm EST on Daystar. Join Hal as he goes through the timeline step by step, as laid out in the Bible by God Himself, and describes what the world will look like just before the triumphant return of Jesus Christ! In part 4 of this indispensable lesson, Hal explains how the fourth kingdom returns in a different form: 10 nations born out of the original Roman Empire will conquer and control the whole world, culminating in the very last battle in the war of good versus evil. This and every episode of Hal Lindsey Presents is available for free in Hal's video archive: https://www.hallindsey.com/videos/

With the birth of the first Christian Congregation, the Holy Spirit's Ministries began. The book of Acts chronicles not only the miracles but the trials of the apostles as well. In Acts: a 39 CD Set Hal Lindsey meticulously goes through the fifth book of the Bible. This essential Bible study makes a thoughtful and prayerful gift, and is the perfect addition to any Christian library. Available now in Hal's store!

 mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147

email: questions@hallindsey.com

web: http://www.hallindsey.com

 Weekly Newsletter September 14 - September 21 2023

Weekly Newsletter: October 27 - November 3, 2022

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Shalom from the Jezreel Valley in Israel! As much as I loved my time Down Under, I must admit that it is nice to be warm again. I’ll be here for just about a week, before I’ll depart for somewhere that will elevate the temperature even more – Fort Worth, Texas. While there, Pastor Barry Stagner and I will present the amazing Revealing Revelation Conference during which we will teach through the entire final book of the Bible in one day! I’m getting a little exhausted just thinking about it! The event on Saturday, September 30, is sold out. However, there is still availability on Friday, September 29. Register now to reserve your spot.

On Monday, October 2, the Behold Israel team will gather for our annual staff meeting. It is the only time each year that we unite in one place from our widespread home bases. It’s such a blessing to see in person the faces of our wonderful ministry family that we normally get to enjoy only through Zoom meetings. Then I’ll be off to the east coast of America, where Pastor Barry and I will join Pastor Bob Guaglione for an Awaiting His Return Conference at Pastor Bob’s church, Calvary Chapel of Delaware County. While that conference is sold out, I’d still love to see you for Sunday morning services at the church the next day. From there, it will be back home for a short time.

The day after our annual staff meeting, my next thriller novel,
Out of the Far North, will release. Most of Behold Israel’s ministry is directed toward those within the church. Undoubtedly, there are those who give their lives to Jesus at most every conference. But the on-site teachings, online videos, and non-fiction books are primarily for deepening the knowledge and understanding of those in the family of God.

That is why I am so passionate about these thriller novels. They are the one aspect of Behold Israel that is specifically designed to evangelize the lost. Woven into each exciting story of spy craft, military operations, and intrigue is the journey of an agnostic Jewish Mossad agent who is wrestling with the reality of a God who keeps showing up in his life. In each book, the Gospel is clearly presented within the story, as is the hope that is found in a close, personal relationship with Jesus the Messiah

The reason why you hear me speak so much about preordering the book is that it is the preorder numbers that big box stores, like Walmart, Hobby Lobby, and Target, will use to determine whether they will stock the books on their shelves or just online. Our prayer is that these novels will make it into the stores themselves where they can be picked up by unbelievers who are perusing the book section for a fun read. It’s evangelism by stealth, which, when you think of it, fits right into the Mossad theme of the books.

Please consider preordering copies of
Out of the Far North for yourselves and for anyone who might be on your Christmas list. Maybe you can even pick one up for that neighbor of yours who isn’t interested in spiritual things, but who loves a good read. Thank you for joining Behold Israel on this mission to get the Gospel out to the world.

The Middle East

Israel Practices for Iran Confrontation over the Mediterranean
Greece and Israel teamed up the middle of last week for
a long-range air strike drill over the Mediterranean. The Israeli Air Force (IAF) and the Hellenic Air Force practiced long-range flights, aerial refueling, low altitude runs, and live fire actions. While the goal was mutual learning, it was understood that the focus for the IAF was preparation for a potential strike on Iran.

Netanyahu’s Week of Diplomacy
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began a visit to the U.S. on Monday in California where he
met with billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk. Their primary topic was technology with a heavy focus on artificial intelligence (AI). They also took time to discuss anti-semitism on Musk’s social platform X (formerly Twitter) and the judicial reform that the prime minister is leading in Israel. From the west coast, Bibi flew to New York for the General Assembly of the United Nations where he held conversations with numerous world leaders. While there, he met with the new president of Paraguay, Santiago Peña, who committed to opening their embassy in Jerusalem by the end of 2023. Netanyahu met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Tuesday, promising continued assistance on humanitarian issues. In their first ever face-to-face meeting, Israel’s prime minister spoke with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan about putting the two countries’ shaky past behind, instead looking forward to cooperation on energy, technology, innovation, AI, and cyber security. Then, yesterday afternoon, Prime Minister Netanyahu met with U.S. President Joe Biden. They discussed numerous issues, including their joint stated commitment to not allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons. But chief among their topics was the normalization of ties between Saudi Arabia and Israel, which the U.S. is helping to broker. A sticking point for the Biden administration has been the Palestinian issue. Netanyahu promised to compromise on a limited basis. A key issue for Saudi Arabia has been their desire for a defense alliance with the U.S. similar to that enjoyed by Japan and South Korea. This week, the Biden administration agreed to that.

Saudi Crown Prince MBS Says Every Day Brings Normalization with Israel Closer
In a truly
amazing interview with Brett Baier of Fox News, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman denied reports that normalization talks with Israel had stalled. “Every day we get closer. It seems it’s for the first time a real one – serious. We get to see how it goes,” said the de facto leader of the nation. Much will depend on negotiations over the Palestinians. MBS said that he wanted to see “a good life for the Palestinians”, but he stopped short of demanding a two-state solution. While most of the negotiations are taking place behind closed doors, there is the occasional leak. One such bit of leaked news is momentous if true. The Saudis are very concerned over the possibility of Iran going nuclear, with MBS saying that if it were to happen then Saudi Arabia would “have to get one, for security reasons, for balancing power.” Now, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that a secretive deal is being discussed between Israeli officials and the Biden administration for the establishment of a U.S.-run uranium enrichment facility in Saudi Arabia as part of the normalization deal.

Palestinian Bomb Plot Fails – Twice
A device that
exploded near a tree in Tel Aviv’s Hayarkon Park on Friday was likely intended for pickup and use in another location. No one was injured in the premature explosion. Two Palestinian suspects were later arrested with one of them admitting to being part of the plot. Two days earlier during a protest along the separation fence with Gaza, a group of Palestinians attempted to throw a bomb over the barrier. The device exploded prematurely killing five and wounding 20 others. It seems the ruthlessness of the terrorist element is only surpassed by their incompetence.

U.S. Completes “Not Ransom” Payment for Hostages
“prisoner swap” between the U.S. and Iran was completed on Monday. This is despite Iran canceling the security clearance of several of the most experienced inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This is despite Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu’s visit to Tehran on Tuesday, leading to the minister’s declaration that relations between Russia and Iran are “reaching a new level”. This is despite the pledge that the United States does not pay ransom for hostages, which is a huge relief to us all because the alternative would be insanity. This is despite Iran disrespectfully insisting that the “not ransom” money, which was funneled through Qatari banks, be paid in euros.

Mysterious Objects Fall from the Iranian Sky
On Monday,
objects began falling from the sky in and around the city of Gorgan in the north of Iran. Some of these mysterious meteors exploded when they hit the ground, causing minimal damage and injuring two people. Speculation ran rampant with possible explanations running from enemy attack to extra-terrestrial beings. After letting the confusion mount for a while, the Defense Ministry finally fessed up. “In the process of testing defense and drone systems in a desert region, one of these systems suffered a technical defect and deviated from its main path,” admitted a ministry spokesperson.

The Brief War You May Have Never Heard Of
Hostilities broke out
between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed Azeri autonomous region of Nagorno-Karabakh. A large contingent of Armenians lead a separatist movement bent on breaking away from Azerbaijan. This has led to years of tension which occasionally breaks out in outright war, as it did Tuesday. The Armenians and the Azeris both rushed troops to the border. Then, when seven Azeri soldiers were killed in an Armenian landmine explosion, Azerbaijan declared war. They immediately began shelling the city of Stepankart in Nagorno-Karabakh. Eventually, 27 were killed and 200 were injured by the Azeri artillery. Then, as quickly as it began, the war was over with the Azeris as victors. Russian peacekeepers mediated a deal in which the separatist Armenians would lay down their weapons and leave Karabakh. Peace has returned to the region, at least until the hostilities break out again.

China Breaching Taiwanese Airspace Again
Once again, China is asserting their dominance in the South China Sea. In a single 24-hour period from Sunday to Monday, they sent
a record-high 103 warplanes toward Taiwan. While turning back before actually reaching the island, many still crossed into the nation’s airspace.

Wild Weather Continues
Huge storms continue to pound parts of the globe. In Spain, flooding has hit Madrid, Sierra de Yeguas, and Espinardo. In other parts of the world, dangerous waters have covered parts of Cape Town, South Africa; Hérault, France; Kenton, UK; Taif, Saudi Arabia; and Bahla and Samad al-Shan, Oman. In addition, there was a massive dust storm in Yobe, Algeria, and tornados in Beijing and Suqian City in China and in rural Kansas. Major natural disasters are to be expected as the world’s birth pangs increase.


The Revealing Revelation Conference in Melbourne was a wonderful way to wrap up the New Zealand and Australia tour. Pastor Andrew and his hard-working team at Calvary Chapel Melbourne were fabulous hosts to the capacity crowd and to Pastor Barry and me. Thank you to all who were involved in that fantastic event!

Tomorrow, we will premiere the first of several teachings that we call Bible Lands Unveiled. This first teaching called
“It’s Not About Religion, Brother”, was shot in Rome and focuses on the book of Romans and the Church of Rome. Join me on Friday, September 22, at 12:00 PM, for this exciting teaching.

Sunday will see the beginning of Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement. It is the most holy and most somber day on the Jewish calendar. What is this day, which was instituted by God back in the Mosaic Law, really about? I would encourage you to watch a brief video and read my commentary,
“The True Meaning of Yom Kippur”, on this very special day.

Thank you once again for your prayers while I was in New Zealand and Australia. May I ask you to please continue them as I must leave again next week for the United States? I also want to thank those of you who have faithfully supported Behold Israel. It is because of you that I am able to take the hope found in God’s perfect prophetic plans to so many people around the world. May God bless you.

Awaiting His Return,

Press release August 1, 2023


Out Alive Prison Ministry, LLC

Out Alive Prison Ministries announced the publication of the book Memoir of a Stupid Jerk-head Face, a team effort about its founder, Tom Carmody.

Memoir of a Stupid Jerk-head Face.

Tom’s not exactly a household name—so, who is he? Let’s answer it this way: many people are athletic, musicians are everywhere, scores are spontaneous, a whole bunch of people are stupid, there are countless singers, on both coasts actors flourish (when they’re not out on strike), lots are humorous, planes and ships are filled with globe trotters, and there are a lot, although not as many as we’d like, who are quick witted and darn funny. But few are all of these rolled up into one cuddly, fuzzy, not-so little package. That’s Tom. And being that way, he’s led a heck of a life, one that includes starting Out Alive Prison Ministries in 2009.

Egged on, back then, by former Tehachapi, CA, resident Roger Van Ommeren (RIEP Roger) who started Tom in the ministry and pushed for him to write a book, in the mold of Carol Burnett’s memoir One More Time, which became the much heralded laugh-fest Memoir of a Stupid Jeak-head Face. Catchy title, huh?  His son, who knows him pretty well, came up with it. This life he’s relating is definitely worth reading about. It sprang from talent-fertile ground—a low income Irish/Italian immigrant family in Revere, Mass, where mom, at one point scouted by Disney, became the Anthem-lady for the Celtics, Red Sox, and Patriots (Teams, as Tom says, are obviously Gods Favs), while his grandfather played the piano for, among others, The Andrew Sisters. Growing up in an extremely talent filled family, Tom’s life was playing with other kids, sports, exploding cars, and stealing drive-in speakers with friends—you know, the usual. 

In his mid-twenties, though, life shook and swiveled when he began earning far too much money for a guy his age. Now living in a Redondo Beach ocean view townhouse real close to the sand on the left coast, his knack for the stupid and untamed became green-back fueled, which ramped it up in a big way. He and his friends began having one great time—one spontaneously stupid time that spanned decades and ran madly from coast to coast—motorcycles included. Then sometimes alone, he scampered unchecked from continent to continent. Known as The Duke of Prunes, Dukey, or just plain Duke, for short, he left huge footprints on 41 different countries, had the beginnings of a Hollywood movie career, (was beat out by Val Kilmer for the part of Jim Morrison), plays incredible piano and bass guitar, (but can barely read a note) even possibly met a couple angels along the way, one of them in Penny Loafers while he was assaulting the Himalayas at 17,000 feet, after being baptized in the Jordan by Hal Lindsey, of Late, Great, Planet Earth fame. 

Then there’s athletics. Tom used to, and in some cases, still makes a lot of noise playing basketball (still takes two to cover him), baseball/softball, football, hockey, golf and bocce/lawn ball (seriously?) just to name a few on a list of many. A die-hard Celtics fan (which put him at verbal odds a couple times with Jack Nicholson and Walter Matthau), once scouted by the Boston Red Sox (as his father was), attending and pranking one Super Bowl after another (wait till you read the story about the Super Bowl garbage truck). And driven by all that stupidity, he’s accumulated lots of true (much which is recorded for your viewing as you read), though stupid, stories that literally trip over one celebrity after another. He was even there when Natalie Wood met her controversial death. 

And what’s a life without a love story. In this case, Dukey and Pam, a love that took 13 years and Dukey’s own private earthquake in Maui, along with an insane proposal stunt, to get to the altar. 

But above all, it's the story of a guy who, through the untamed and the unlimited, learned the importance of the real and disciplined, and started Out Alive Prison Ministries. Take a sec and learn about it at www.outalivePM.com. You can get the book, Memoir of a Stupid Jerk-head Face, at Kindle, Amazon, and Google Play. Along with being a great witnessing tool to friends, relatives, and neighbors, every book sold helps Out Alive PM bring the gospel to those behind bars. Described on Amazon as “Hilarious, touching, always fun and exuberant,” you don't want to miss this Roller Coaster ride, while also helping prisoners get out alive. Our Stupid Jerk-head Face team thanks you. Blessings to all. We covet your prayers in this race.

Proceeds from the sale of Memoir of a Stupid Jerk-head Face will go to the ministry, which, over the years has grown to support prisons nationwide with books and other evangelistic materials. It plans next to open instruction facilities to train those who want to be on the front lines of this ministry—who want to preach the gospel to prisoners where currently there is no such outreach. Heeding its call to spread the good news wherever it’s particularly needed, Out Alive has established an evangelistic outreach in Hollywood, and plans to expand this effort by evangelizing on set—on location—as we partner with those already at work there.

We at Out Alive PM present the gospel in fun way while allowing The Holy Spirit’s sense of humor to change hearts. So, if you would like to support this ministry, there are many ways to do so. First is with prayer. We covet your prayers above all else. Then, if led, climb aboard the OAX (Out Alive Xpress) with material support at www.outalivePM.com, and strap yourself in—there’s an exciting ride ahead. First stop: the book. Learn why different platforms are heralding this book. And learn about our founder, a guy who firmly believes stupid is one of our precious gifts to one another: the joy of The Lord is the beginning of this understanding, and so, so many more. 

Tom Carmody




Memoir Book Video https://youtu.be/haaqmp6wBP8


Click on Tom’s nose to get the book!

Click on Tom’s nose to get the book!