Mission Statement

So, what is this website all about? Glad you asked. Since 1974 the Duke of Prunes has been working with people who have special needs - quadriplegics, paraplegics, blind children, juveniles at a prison in a New York, as a PE Teacher at a Boston High School where national guard troops roamed the corridors, and is now working in prison ministry at a maximum security correction facility in California. This website covers his personal life, the journey, and the ministry which he leads, where, we like to say, that behind those walls, evil is overcome with good - and the occasional Dose of The Ghost . We would like to enhance one’s appetite to find out which god IS God to include the statistical probability that that God is actually who He says He is.

But sometimes, though, this step is only the beginning when many people digest the material about 17 inches too high. When that happens, we need to help the information drop from their head to their heart. Only then does real change take place, only then do the inmates begin their journey to Christ. We have a saying with the inmates at the Sunday Luthamethacathapiscababitarian services. Duke will say “If you ain’t changing.” And they reply “You ain’t going!!!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). That usually shakes some of the new guys up a little.

We would love to get out of The Lord’s way, sit in the backseat of this Google car, and let God do all the driving, while we obey His word the best we can through the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe the greatest paragraph ever written is in Colossians 1 where Paul says, paraphrased in a Dukeyizm, “God has everything from microscope to telescope in his hands!” The Lord has Dukey in prison ministry for a purpose, that said, we’re going to include in this website Sunday messages, tools, products , quotes, pictures, and stories (some of which are pretty stupid) garnered from the race he’s been running. Hope you enjoy them.

Ready Fire Aim! Blessings to those who climb aboard The OAX ( The Out Alive Express) 1 Thessalonians 4:17. No taxation without representation! Go Pats, Sox, Celts and B’s!! Obviously God is a Boston Fan.

Another purpose of this website is to introduce you to some of those who’ve run the race with him in pictures, videos, and stories (many with visual proof of the insanity). It also includes writings and quotes from histories most respected Christian theologians and commentators. There’ll also be music, family visuals, some of which will take you to new heights of stupid.

We realize there are many folks out there who have their own stories to tell, all running the range from serious and touching to entertaining to really, really stupid. That’s one of the reason we’re laying out is out there. One of the greatest uses of the internet is to help us to get to know one another, and get to know the God who created it all, the God who tells each of us to search for him while he may be found.

Which for all of you, is today.

Blessings to all who want to come in, climb aboard and absorb the wisdom we’ve assembled, the scripture we’ve selected, and take a peek at the wild life our founder has lived. Tom Carmody is the poster-boy for the fact that God can use any life for his glory. Particularly the one who surrenders to him, and give him the wheel. Bon Appétit!! Shut Up We Luv Ya’s!

P.S. For any of you who are truly accountable to The Author of All Things and are offended by any of the content, we’ve only included what’s needed to give you a sketch of the tapestry to make the necessary point. Also, this website is primarily for people at Matthews house so our suggestion to the complainers would be to knock on Matthews door and see what’s going on inside. (Matthew 9)

P.S.2 If you would like updates on what, and how, the ministry is doing, and solid intel on current Geopolitical events, register for them. Proverbs 22:3 - “The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.”