• We are not sent to do battle for God, but to be used by God in His battles.

  • Are we more devoted to service than we are to Jesus Christ Himself

  • We need to feel and know that we are but dust and ashes, and that God is the composer of the destinies of men. - Toz - Jeremiah 29:11 - “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

  • The heart of salvation is the Cross of Christ.

  • Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. In other words, democracy is great as long as you share the same sentiment as the majority.

  • Strengthen and perfect that which is wanting in us. Bless the strangers and the friends who happen to be within our gates today. - Toz

  • It is of no use to hope that we shall be well rooted if no rough winds pass over us. Spurgeon

  • The great thing about faith in God is that it keeps a man undisturbed in the midst of disturbance. - Ozzy

  • Any untrained, unprepared, unspiritual empty rattletrap of a person can start something "religious" and find plenty of followers who will listen and promote it! - Toz

  • Away are all fears, the kingdom is safe in the Kings hands. Spurgeon

  • Sanctification means nothing less than the holiness of Jesus becoming mine and being exhibited in my life. - Oz

  • God made us responsible, rational, relational.

  • The Sermon on the Mount is not a set of rules and regulations— it is a picture of the life we will live when the Holy Spirit is having His unhindered way with us. - Oz

  • A covenant must be made with our eyes not even to look upon the cause of temptation, for such sins only need a spark to begin with and a blaze follows in an instant. - Spurgeon

  • The glory of the Lord is seen in its grandeur in the fall of empires, and the crash of thrones. - Spurgeon

  • When it is the Lord’s work in which we rejoice, we need not be afraid of being too glad. - Spurgeon

  • Three things that are without excuse. God puts things on our hearts, we are made in his image, we see his artwork in nature. Romans 1

  • Beware of bartering the Word of God for a more suitable conception of your own. - Oz

  • Two men in the snow; one chafed the other’s limbs to keep him from dying, and in so doing kept his own blood in circulation, and saved his own life. - Toz

  • Ps 19 CS Lewis says best piece of writing in the history of man

  • Taking a body of humiliation, He was still the Creator who made the wood of that manger, made the straw, and was Creator of all the beasts that were there. - Toz

  • The world will never adjust itself to suit your whims to the letter, somethings will go wrong your whole life long and the sooner you know it the better. It is folly to fight with the infinite and go down with the last in the wrestle, The wiser man shapes into God‘s plan, like the water shapes into the vessel. Some unknown poet.

  • Christ demands that His disciple does not allow even the slightest trace of resentment in his heart when faced with tyranny and injustice. - Oz

  • The sympathy which is reverent with what it cannot understand is worth its weight in gold. Baffled to Fight Better,

  • We actually slander and dishonor God by our very eagerness to serve Him without knowing Him. - Oz

  • Sin is not wrong doing but wrong being. It is deliberate independence from God. - Oz

  • Discipline is doing what needs to be done, doing it when it needs to be done, doing it the best way it can be done and doing it that way every time you do it. Bobby Knight

  • Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. - DJ

  • “The man of the year” cannot impress those men and women who are making their plans for that long eternity when days and years have passed away and time is no more. - Toz

  • What an astonishment it will be to see, once the veil is finally lifted, all the souls that have been reaped by you, simply because you have been in the habit of taking your orders from Jesus Christ. Oz

  • Predestination vs Free Will

  • if I obey Jesus Christ in the seemingly random circumstances of life, they become pinholes through which I see the face of God.

  • To wait is often harder than to work. Psalm 13

  • The problem with a living sacrifice is that it keeps crawling off the altar. - DL Moody

  • The Seed. Have I been making a fair show in the flesh without having a corresponding inner life? Good growth takes place upwards and downwards at the same time. Am I rooted in sincere fidelity and love to Jesus? - Spurgeon