• God never is before his time, and never is behind. - Spurgeon

  • Is the Son of God praying in me, bringing honor to the Father, or am I dictating my demands to Him? - Oz

  • Truth causes tension. - DJ

  • We are all real estate agents giving people the word for their new homes in heaven - DJ

  • The thing to do is to work as if we had it all to do and pray as if we expected God to do it all. - Toz

  • Prayer is the divine energy that brings the power of God into the plans he gives you. - DJ

  • Life is really hard but at least it’s short. - Amy Barrett

  • Tolerance for all. Ideas are good bad dumb smart or dangerous. - Koukl

  • It doesn’t take an army to conquer the world it just takes fear. - Macarthur

  • Throughout history the Christians who did most of their present world were just those who thought most of the next. - C. S. Lewis

  • Lord, throw down the Jezebel of our unbelief and let the dogs eat it. - Spurgeon

  • Gods contract with man is in writing. - DJ

  • Our prayers are like rose leaves between the pages of Gods book in eternity. - Oz/Duke

  • Fear is a reaction, courage is a decision!

  • The biggest distraction we have is self vindication. - Augustine

  • No man ever served God by doing things tomorrow.

  • If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain. - Churchill

  • What is the essence of the thing. - Marques Aureillius

  • If you don’t understand it don’t buy into it - Warren Buffett

  • The safest road to hell is the gradual one. - CS Lewis

  • God created us to count, not to be counted. - Dj

  • The present is the present. - Pat Halpin

  • If we do not purposely sacrifice the natural, the supernatural can never become natural to us. - Oz

  • Through Christ we may experience God. It is an option we exercise, reject or just neglect. - Toz

  • Do we want to give Jesus a cheap kiss like Orpah to Naomi or do we want to cleave to him like Jesus Great Grandma Ruth? - Tozer

  • there shall be no vacant thrones in glory when all the chosen are gathered in. - Spurg

  • How many doors are in the ark? there’s only one way to heaven. -DJ

  • What the Old Testament prophets looked forward to with longing, we can look back upon with certainty. - MacArthur

  • Take courage! Royal feet have left a blood-red track upon the road, and consecrated the thorny path forever. - Spurgeon

  • Don’t give up, look up! - DJ

  • Every man will have to decide for himself whether or not he can afford the terrible luxury of unbelief. - Tozer

  • Prepare us for the chorus of the sky. - Spurgeon

  • As sure as ever a Christian carves for himself, he'll cut his own fingers. - Spurgeon

  • Check your passport! We are citizens of heaven on a foreign turf. - DJ

  • The world can create trouble in peace, but God can create peace in trouble. - Thomas Watson

  • The Bible is the pantry of the soul. - David Jeremiah

  • Why are we here? To encourage salvation in the elect and harden the hearts of the rest. William Kritlow

  • Jesus is the creator of everything that exists. Colossians 1:15-17

  • Christianity is not consistency to conscience or to convictions; Christianity is being true to Jesus Christ. -Oz

  • Thank You, Father, for those who have "climbed the steep ascent of heaven through peril, toil and pain." O God, may I follow in their train! -Tozer

  • Beware of natural human sympathy. What are you doing for the kingdom? -OZ

  • Our Lord never takes measures to make me do what He wants. Sometimes I wish God would master and control me to make me do what He wants, but He will not. And at other times I wish He would leave me alone, and He does not. -Oz

  • The rapidity with which improvement is made in the life will depend altogether upon the degree of self-criticism we bring to our prayers and to the school of daily living. -Toz

  • It is a most blessed thing to have no props and no buttresses, but to stand upright on the Rock of Ages, upheld by the Lord alone. -Spurg

  • We are looking for the upper taker the undertaker -DJ

  • Lord, deliver me from casket living I’m alive in Christ. -Tozer

  • Isn’t it piercing to realize that God not only knows where we live, but also knows the gutters into which we crawl! -Oz

  • Against me earth and hell combine, But on my side is power divine; Jesus is all and he is mine. -Spurgeon

  • God is responsible for our lives, and the one great keynote is reckless reliance upon Him. -Oz

  • If anyone thinks ill of you, do not be angry with him, for you are worse then he thinks you to be. -Spurgeon

  • A committed minority can take over an apathetic majority. Just like the Bolsheviks. -Tucker

  • If the Lord were completely explainable, he would be unworthy of worship. -Charles Stanley.

  • Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Lord Acton.

  • Church and government can set standards of corruption.

  • Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. -Abraham Lincoln

  • We can’t take wealth with us to heaven unless we have invested in heaven. The fruit of kingdom investments will yield glory to God for eternity. -DJ

  • Leave these men alone! Let them go! But if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men, you will only find yourselves fighting against God. Gamaliel. Around 60 AD

  • For all his faults, or perhaps because of them, Peter could do one thing superbly: he could shed tears of grief when he had offended his Savior. -Toz

  • The Bible is bread for the soul, honey for the heart, nourishment for your nerves, and wisdom for your mind. -DJ

  • Have we made the church a gigantic nursery full of spiritual infants, some of whom are well into their senior years? May God raise up those who can lead us out of infancy into maturity! -Tozer

  • Disappointments are his appointments. -DJ

  • Protect God given rights not man given privileges. Bastiates the law.

  • Why should a living man complain about the punishments for his sin? Lamentations 3

  • Faith untried may be true faith, but it is sure to be little faith, and it is likely to remain dwarfish so long as it is without trials. -Spurgeon

  • Wham!!! We should battle through our moods, feelings, and emotions into absolute devotion to the Lord Jesus. We must break out of our own little world of experience into abandoned devotion to Him. Think who the New Testament says Jesus Christ is, and then think of the despicable meagerness of the miserable faith we exhibit by saying, “I haven’t had this experience or that experience”! How can anyone who is identified with Jesus Christ suffer from doubt or fear! -Ozzie

  • One day our hardware will be updated to match our software. -Jed Ostoich

  • A Jew that doesn’t believe in miracles is not a realist. The Show The Defeated

  • ” I must learn to fight against and overcome the things that come against me, and in that way produce the balance of holiness. Then it becomes a delight to meet opposition. -Oz

  • You are meddling with Christ’s business, and neglecting your own when you fret about your lot and circumstances. -Spurg

  • God doesn’t put heavy burdens on weak shoulders. -Pace

  • God never promises to save us from adversity, only to be with us in the midst of it. -David Watson

  • O Holy Spirit teach me. Not that I may merely understand with my mind but will obey from my heart.

  • ***Our Heavenly Banker delights to cash his own notes. Never let the promise rust. Draw the sword of promise out of its scabbard, and use it with holy violence. - Spurgeon

  • Peace to all his flock, peace in our conscience, peace between Jew and Gentile, peace between man and his offended Maker, peace all down the ages of eternity for blood-washed men. -Spurgron

  • God has no problems, only plans. Corrie ten Boom

  • Are you giving to God what is right, or what is left? -James Merrit

  • Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One Who is leading.  -Oz