• The Lord uses of flexion to test our faith, teach dependence on him, develop Godly character and spiritual maturity, and equip us to comfort others. He can also use our suffering to draw others to Christ. Paul and Silas sang in jail.

  • One of the main keys to being fed properly is finding solid pastors with accountable doctrine

  • Many people are happy without God. But if we could be truly happy and moral without Jesus, then why did he come? This kind of happiness is superficial. Jesus Christ came to bring a sword through every kind of peace that is not based on a personal relationship with himself. Matthew 10:34.

  • Before we choose to follow God's will, a crisis must develop in our lives. We tend to be unresponsive to Gods gentle nudges.

  • Our danger is to water down God's word to suit ourselves. God never fits his word to suit me, he fits me to suit his word!

  • Cults are false doctrine and unnecessary. Since day 1 God has provided.

  • Grace is summed up in the words that they may receive forgiveness of sins. When a person fails in his personal Christian life, it is usually because he has never received anything!

  • When we cannot see God's hand we can trust his heart.

  • Faith connects our weaknesses to God's strength

  • God the father cannot abide in the presence of sin, which is why he abandoned his own son at Calvary as Christ bore the sins of the world.

  • When we step off biblical paths, the steps keep descending toward the days of Noah.

  • Ignorance can make people vulnerable to deception.

  • Don't react quickly, keep your head in all situations, it makes you more alert to temptation, resistant to pressure, and vigilant when facing heavy responsibility! Keep fighting the good fight 2 Timothy 4:5-7

  • We are in danger of being stern where God is tender, and of being tender where God is stern.

  • Moralistic therapeutic deism. By Christian Smith,

  • God created

  • God wants us to be good

  • Be happy man, God is in control

  • God owes us nothing.

  • Our service won't save us but we are saved to serve.

  • Our lives and conduct should be centered around kingdom priorities. Or conduct speaks volumes about what we believe.

  • God does not give us overcoming life, he gives us life as we overcome. Arise from the dead! We have to get ourselves up, God will not lift us up. Matthew 12:13 stretch out your hand

  • Angel functions. Serve believers, protect the helpless, proclaim Gods messages, execute judgment.

  • It is our privilege to give everything we have to the one who gave us everything on the cross.