“Noah Webster things one must do

  • Go to bed early and get up early.

  • Reduce stress.

  • Physical and mental exercise

  • Don’t get God or a man angry at you,”

“The grace that saves you is the grace that changes you.”

“Bible study has torn my life apart and remade it.” John White.

“Only one out of an entire crowd is daring enough to invest his faith in the character of God.” Oswald Chambers

“The gospel is concerned with a new life, with a birth upward onto a new level of being, and until it has effected such a re-birth, it has not done a saving work within the soul.” A.W. Tozer

“Would you rather be scraping gum in heaven or sitting next door to the king?” Brandon Holthaus

“It is not enough to stare up the steps, we must step up the stairs.” Vance Havner

“Let people know in a simple way, the truth about Jesus. The truth about the condition of man, The benefits of the gospel, and the way an individual may enter into those benefits. Be on your knees more than on your feet.” Alistair Begg.

“You can find a fulfillment in an outcome whether it’s good or bad.” Alyssa Brito women’s college, World Series, Oklahoma.

“Eventually,you will willingly or unwillingly, obey and bow to God. You have no choice. Every knee shall bow! You can’t win a war against God. Psalm 2 He who sits in the throne laughs. Get it over with, and start repenting. Fear and rejoice with trembling!” The Duke of prunes.

“The Lord is not a tame lion, but he is good.” Narnia.

“Remember, you can never give a person what you have found, but you can cause him to have a desire for it.” Oswald Chambers

“Four Important questions to ask yourself. :

  • Do you think you are being led by the Holy Spirit daily?

  • Do you call God father?

  • Is the witness of the Holy Spirit speaking with your spirit?

  • Are we in anyway or shape suffering for the name of Christ?”

“You are not obligated to do anything for God, but you are now obligated to God.” Jack Hibbs

“Cornered animals do desperate things when they don’t have options.” David McAlvany.

“People believe in Jesus, but they don’t trust him like the kid watching a guy walk across Niagara Falls that asked him to sit on his shoulders.” J Vernon McGee.

“Boars in God’s Vineyard.” Martin Luther on Church Wreckers

“You are saved for good works not for works to be saved.”

“Praise in public; discipline in private.” Shane Carmody.

“How dare we put confidence in anything so fugitive, so fleeting, as human life?” A.W. Tozer

“The glory of the Prince of Life is made to hang upon the transient fame of a man who shall die.” A.W. Tozer

“Defeat fear with effortless fate.” Barry Meguire

“When we worry, we assume responsibilities that are not intended to be ours.” Chuck Missler.

“Marriage is the union of two dead to self forgivers.” Unknown.

“We have no king, but King Jesus!” John Adams

“My goal is God Himself, not joy nor peace.” Oswald Chambers

“If my critics saw me walking on water, they would say I can’t swim.” Margaret thatcher.

“Do not desire a supernatural experience that is not of God.” John MacArthur.

“Is God more glorious for the existence of sin or for the non-existence? God ordained evil for his glory.” John MacArthur

“There will be no doubt about his having chosen you, when you have chosen him.” Charles Spurgeon

“Don’t cut the tree down. Take it out by its roots. Dig in and resist sin!”

“Praise God that you have not been left to the darkness and ignorance which continued prosperity might have involved, but that in the great fight of affliction, you have been capacitated for the outshinings of his glory in his wonderful dealings with you.” Charles Spurgeon.

“The poor today have it better than any time than the poor in history.” David McAlvany

“Evolution, Revolution, Deviloution!” 2 Timothy 3

“I know of no one more needed, more valuable, more Christlike than the person who is committed to encouragement.” Chuck Swindoll.

“Losses in business are often sanctified to our soul’s enriching. If the chosen soul will not come to the Lord full-handed, it shall come empty.” Charles Spurgeon

“Is Jesus your savior or is he your judge?” John MacArthur. “Your choice.” The Duke of Prunes.

“If we realize that moment-by-moment obedience is the goal, then each moment as it comes is precious.” Oswald Chambers.

“Prophecy is not to scare us, but to prepare us.” Greg Denman. “But if it scares us into Christ’s arms, it’s good.” The Duke of Prunes.

“Lord, smite our rocky hearts, and make the waters flow.” Charles Spurgeon.

“Throughout history, corrupt, confused cities keep peace with the threat of violence. Someday soon God’s city will rule without gates. Meantime, blessings to those who stand up for righteousness. Sometimes you have to go to war.”

“Be stronger than death. Overcome the fear of death, by trusting in the power of God‘s eternal life through Christ, who was raised from the dead.” www,bibleproject.com.

"Now is the day for salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:1-2

“People are prisoners entombed with their own personal religion and ideology.” John MacArthur

“Unclear verses in Bible are interpreted by clear verses.”

“When you get healed physically, it is only temporary, because you will eventually die. When you get healed spiritually, it is eternal. David Jeremiah

“Promptly and sincerely, in the service of God.” John Calvin.

“There’s not one square inch of this entire universe of which Christ, the sovereign Lord of all, does not say, this belongs to me.” Abraham Kuyper

“If only to sit and think of God, oh, what a joy it is!” Frederick Faber