Did nothing create everything ?

Are you going to heaven or hell? We all broke for moral law. Are you a lying, thieving, blasphemous, fornicator? Put your parachute on. Ray Comfort

The Lord Preserves what he reveals. Forget other religions.

Government is like fire, it’s both dangerous and beneficial.

Rules govern the government

Leaders are weaponizing human compassion.

When people are afraid, they will not only accept totalitarianism, but they will demand it.

Collectivism is based on the assumption that the group is more important than the individual and the individual must be sacrificed for the greater good which leaves God out of the equation.

UAP’s (Unidentified atmospheric or aerial phenomenon) are Demonic manifestations prophesied for the final days

Digital consciousness is here, Elon Musk is an image of the beast?

The state takes the place of God… the socialist dictatorships are religions, and State slavery is a form of worship. Carl Jung

The only extra terrestrial communication man has ever had is the one on our laps. Chuck Missler

In any cultural war truth is the first casualty. Chuck Missler.

You have no right to bemoan that what you didn’t fight to protect. Chuck Missler

God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. Unknown.

When faith becomes obedience then it is true faith indeed. Tozer

God doesn’t send problems, he allows them. Jack Hibbs

The Lord waits to be wanted. Tozer.

Religions are superficially moral. MacArthur

Evil is no disruption in God’s purpose. MacArthur

Marriage is a covenant between two dead to self forgivers.

Why was the tree in the garden? We must have choice. Free will. Hibbs

Every undeserved blessing to The Elect in the old testament was bought by Jesus Christ. John Piper.

Every Christian would agree that a man’s spiritual health is exactly proportional to his love for God. CS Lewis.

Nationalism? Patriotism? Adoption! God has no grandchildren. Ps 73:25 one on one. The Duke of Prunes

God loves you, he died for you, and rose from the dead. That’s the deal. It’s your choice.

The doctrine of eminency.

The last day is hidden, so that every day should be regarded. Augustine.

Stay ready to keep from getting ready. DJ

A balmier air fans the mariner’s cheek as he nears the shore of immortality, fewer waves ruffle his sea. Spurgeon

If we obey God with loving obedience, God will manifest himself in us and that will be the difference between a Nominal Christian life, and a life radiant with the light of his face. Tozer

With shekels comes shackles. Voddie Baucham

How can the world offer you what is better than the one who created it? You cannot lay with the prostitute and march with The Bride. Voddie Baucham

We are all bias in our own favor. It is part of our residual fallenness. MacArthur. Proverb 21

Unless thou show to us thine own true way. No man can find it. Father! Thou must lead. Michelangelo.