• These are an assortment of Prayers and Sayings from many scholars who already have gone before us. It is a amazing how far ahead of their time they were. Statements from some of these are thousands of years old. Dukey uses some of them in the prison ministry and many times he puts a little Duke of Prunes twist to them, in which his translators look at him like he has 2 heads when they are trying to relay to 40 to 140 guys in the methacathapiscababitarian services chapel. Stupid sells according to Dukey. As in Mat 10:20 and John 17:22, allow The Spirit to do his work. You never want to get in the way. Enjoy!!

  • It is a great thing to tell yourself the truth. (Ozwald Chambers - OZ)

  • If Jesus Christ is bringing you into the understanding that prayer is for the glorifying of his father , then he will give you the first sign of his intimacy, SILENCE.

  • If you don’t believe Jesus Christ is God then who is?

  • To those who have had no agony Jesus says, “I have nothing for you; stand on your own feet, square your own shoulders. I have come for the man who knows he has a bigger handful than he can cope with, who knows there are forces he cannot touch; I will do everything for him if he will let Me. Only let a man grant he needs it, and I will do it for him.” The Shadow of an Agony. (OZ)

  • It requires the supernatural grace of God to live twenty-four hours of every day as a saint, going through drudgery, and living an ordinary, unnoticed, and ignored existence as a disciple of Jesus. It is ingrained in us that we have to do exceptional things for God— but we do not. We have to be exceptional in the ordinary things of life, and holy on the ordinary streets, among ordinary people— and this is not Learned in five minutes.

  • Anxious for nothing pray for everything thanks for anything

  • When we no longer seek God for his blessings, we have time to seek him for himself

  • Exemplify service, giving, self sacrifice, obedience, and truth

  • Nothing is free except the grace of God

  • The tug of guilt over sin is assurance that you’ve played yourself in God’s grip.

  • Embrace you’re dissatisfaction

  • When you obey the call of Jesus Christ, the first thing that hits you is the pointlessness of the things you have to do.

  • The route of faith is the knowledge of a person, and one of the biggest snares is the idea that God is sure to lead us to success. We don’t lead people to Christ we lead them to the door.

  • No is not a complete sentence.

  • I must learn to fight against and overcome the things that come against me, and in that way produce the balance of holiness. Then it becomes a delight to meet opposition.

  • You know you are going to heaven when you have conscience repentance and unconscious holiness.

  • The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph. - Thomas Paine

  • HALT when you are tempted. Hungry, Angry. Lonely. Tired!!

  • Be a faithful fanatic. - Ben Yahuda

  • The Holy Spirit is the resident, but wants to be president in your life.

  • God became one of us so that we might become one with him.

  • Knowing the future is not certain, knowing the one who holds the future is a sure thing.

  • The Bible can never mean what it never meant. Authors Intent.

  • God has given us two hands, one to give and one to receive. - Billy Graham

  • Keep on believing as you remember that your earthly view limits your understanding but doesn’t limit his glory.

  • Tell God you are ready to be poured out as an offering, and God will prove Himself to be all you ever dreamed He would be.

  • If you will thank God for your providences , you will never lack a Providence to thank God for.