• Convenience sins from Tozer. Ouch!

    • Connivance of the church, such as pride, vanity, self-centeredness, levity, worldliness, gluttony, the telling of "white" lies, borderline dishonesty, lack of compassion for the unfortunate, complacency, absorption in the affairs of this life, love of pleasure, the holding of grudges, stinginess, gossiping and various dirty habits not expressly forbidden by name in the Scriptures.

  • Nothing truly precious is eternally lost. Things of this world are fatal but not final. You can afford to lose you are going to get it back. David Eubank Burma Rangers on missions pulse.

  • It’s never a waste to stand for human dignity. George Orwell

  • Conformity is evil because it can be and often is used by the dominant few to enslave the pliable many. Conform to Christ. Tozer

  • A grain of heart's-ease is of more value than a ton of gold. Spurgeon

  • If you don’t care who gets credit, you can accomplish a lot. - Ronald Reagan.

  • We owe our religious freedom and the blessing of an open Bible to men whose sepulchers we now delight to build, but whom we might not so willingly have aided if we had lived at the time when the outcome of their struggles was in doubt. Tozer

  • The Lord sends the sharp blasts of adversity to nip the buds of expectation: Spurg

  • Sorrow for having made foolish mistakes is a reflex action caused by self-disgust not true repentance. Oz

  • To be our mediator Christ had to be fully man and fully God. Jesus Christ is God Man! Toz

  • Grab a hold of some old dead guys and renew your mind. Does a fish know he’s wet? Not until he’s out of the water. (Voddie Baucham)

  • Find good doctrinal teaching. Better to stand still than to follow a blind man over a precipice. Tozer

  • Move comfortably unafraid unknown based off scripture.

  • Ouch! Spurgeon

  • We must not stop praying. Don’t you want anything? I fear that you do not know your own poverty. Don’t you have any mercy to ask God for? Then may the Lord show you your misery!

  • Both nations and individuals have tried Christianity and abandoned it, because it has been found too difficult; but no man has ever gone through the crisis of deliberately making Jesus Lord and found Him to be a failure. Oz

  • O heavenly Sower, plough me first, and then cast the truth into me, and let me yield thee a bounteous harvest. Spurgeon

  • Short Prayers are Long Enough. Spurgeon

  • Injustice? I am not walking beyond my mailbox because of the injustice in the world. I will not go to England because they picked on the Irish, I will not go to Ireland because they picked on the English. I will not go to Rome because 2/3 of the Roman empire were slaves. I work for a Jewish Carpenter and there will be no justice till he comes back. The Duke of Prunes.

  • Don’t keep pushing your car if it has gas in it. Major Ian Thomas.

  • Freedom has been hunted around the globe. Every spot of the world is run with oppression. Receive the fugitive and prepare in time an asylum for mankind. Thomas Paine - Common sense

  • By our effort to discover the origin of things, we confess our belief that everything was made by Someone who was made of none. Tozer

  • Now is the time to get rid of any evil habit, while God the Spirit helps your infirmities. Spurgeon

  • Among all created beings, not one dare trust in itself. God alone trusts in Himself; all other beings must trust in Him. Tozer

  • May the lamb that was slain receive the reward of his suffering. Paris Reidhead

  • If a Christian carves for himself, he'll cut his own fingers;” He that goes before the cloud of God’s providence goes on a fool’s errand; Spurgeon

  • It is a dangerous thing to be prosperous. The crucible of adversity is a less severe trial to the Christian than the refining pot of prosperity. Spurgeon