Sun Valley Idahohoho

Circa 1988

Loni and Dukey went snowmobiling about 50 miles north of Nowhere’sville, Idahoho. The pair went up and down some unreal terrain of the mountain passes. When they got back to town they looked like windblown tanned surfers. They had a few adult beverages and were on the prowl when they stumbled into this show. They snuck in to annoy some comedian on stage and a few hundred people watching. The pair were not quiet as they entered the back and were frankly a little obnoxious while this poor guy was trying to do his show. The performer finally stopped and said, “Hey, you guys in the back, be quiet! You think you can do better up here?” That was the wrong thing to say to ebullient Dukey on this night. “Yes,” Dukey answered and proceeded to the stage. The comedian had a guitar as one of his props, so the happy upstart grabbed it and started playing a ridiculous Spanish song he made up strumming loudly while picking and banging the guitar with his thumb singing, [CLICK] “Sorreeeey, no haiiiiiirrrrr!!!!” That lasted about a minute, and Dukey went into his stupid list routine. (He actually has a list in his wallet of about 25 stupid things that he can use in his performance. [CLICK]) In the first one he did, he moved his hands in circles in opposite directions. Not only little circles but big circles and then mixtures of little and big. Pretty much the whole place was trying to do it. Then he broke out his clapaphone. He clapped his hands together [CLICK] to the beat of the Maxwell House commercial. He also had a sneezing fit routine. Then here comes the waitress. [CLICK] Strange what makes you think he’s strange [CLICK] and various other stupid things along with piano insanity where he kicks the piano playing the Beatles Martha My Dear. [CLICK] You have to click to see this stuff. x[CLICK] Pretty stupid!! The poor guy (to this day Dukey has no clue who he was or whether he was a famous comedian or not) but after about 10 minutes Dukey bowed and left the stage to a standing O!! About an hour later Loni and Dukey entered this nice restaurant and noticed two hotties having dinner. Dukey grabbed a kind of waiter towel and went over and pretended he was serving them. Turns out they had attended the show, and, as they were dying laughing, Dukey was recognized as the comedian-clown. Loni and Dukey had dinner with them and played kissy face later. The hotties said they thought the guys were plants for the show, but the guys told them they were just morons. But to add to the confusion, Loni told them they were astronauts or something.

It was long night from there. Many napkins and phone numbers.