Who Let The Balloons Out?

Rose Bowl 1985

It was January 1, 1985 when the four idiots took the motorhome to the Rose Bowl game. It was another USC Ohio State match up. The idiots which included Crash Kelly, Bulb , Buck and The Duke of Prunes were running really late into the motorhome parking lot when they noticed a few thousand balloons were tied off near a fence. Next to the balloons were a few large nitrous oxide containers. They stopped the motorhome and Bulb proceeded to grab one of the containers and bring it in the motorhome while Duke and Buck cut the balloons free. It’s unbelievable that nobody was guarding all that product. There wasn’t much wind that day so the balloons kind of hovered over the parking lot. The foursome proceeded into the game with some hidden adult beverages hidden in there binocular cases which were empty and found their seats. After about 15 or 20 minutes they saw thousands of balloons enter the stadium and hover above at a couple hundred feet. They certainly took their time as they traveled across upward and out of sight. After the game the boys had fun talking in their high-pitched voices with the nitrous oxide to people they passed by with the motorhome. Moral of the story is do not leave your nitrous oxide containers and balloons unguarded when you are going to use them at the Rose Bowl.