Ten Dopes Go to a Game

Lose Beer to Laughing Cops

Back in the early ’80s, Kelly, Ty, Buck and Dukey flew to a San Francisco-Patriots game. They met a few other dopes up there also. Dukey thinks they ended up with about ten of them going to the game. Not sure where they stayed, but it was somebody’s apartment. Kelly and Dukey were sleeping on the floor in our sleeping bags when he heard this thunderous crash. Dukey looked over and it turned out a door, which was not mounted in the doorway yet, fell over and missed Kelly’s head by about an inch. Dukey doesn’t think he even woke up. The loud family of dopes ran around San Francisco all day Saturday creating havoc. Dukey has no clue where they went. Sunday before the game they tailgated the rental car and made a big mess in the parking lot. Dukey’s not even sure who won the game but after more festivities and adult beverages in the parking lot they made their way to the airport. They were early and still had a couple of six packs in the car they hadn’t finished, so they proceeded to be even more obnoxious. Like little children, they totally trashed the inside of the car. They were standing around outside the car blasting the stereo and drinking when the cops pulled up. They were pretty amused at the show and told them to pour out the beer. Each time they cracked one open thry started screaming and yelling like it was a terrible thing to do. “Ahhhhh. No!!!!” They’d fall to the ground and cry. The cops were laughing, but when they looked inside the car, they got a little upset. Dukey told them it’s a good thing they had paid for insurance on the mental rental. They told us to get in the terminal immediately, so they left the car right where it was parked and called the rental place. They told them the story and explained they could not drive it 100 yards back to turn it in. I think there was something wrong with them back then.!!!