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Our Independent Faith Based Film: Click the image to read about it.

So what is this website all about?

You are the 1st person that asked. Since 1974 Tom Carmody, AKA The Duke of Prunes, has been working with people who have special needs - quadriplegics , paraplegics , blind children from the ages of 4 to 18, juveniles at a prison in New York , a PE Teacher at a Boston High School which had national guard roaming around the corridors, and is now currently working in prison ministry at a maximum security correction facility in California. This website is a combination of his personal life and journey that has taken place since then, along with delivering an occasional Dose of The Ghost . We would like to enhance one’s appetite to find out which God IS God and the statistical probability of that God actually being God, which is only the beginning because many people are still 17 inches too high after the evidence sinks in. The information needs to go from the head to the heart. We have a saying with the inmates at the Sunday Luthamethacathapiscababitarian services. Duke will say “If you ain’t changing” , in which they reply “You ain’t going!!!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). That usually shakes some of the new guys up a little.

We would love to get out of The Lords way and sit in the backseat of this Google car and let God do all the driving as we obey his word the best we can through the power of the Holy Spirit . We believe the greatest paragraph ever written is in Colossians 1 where Paul says in a Dukeyizm he has everything from microscope to telescope in his hands! We believe The Lord has had the Duke in prison ministry for a purpose so we will be using some of the Sunday messages from the pulpit, tools ,products , quotes ,pictures and stories ( some of which are ridiculous) from the race he has run to post on this website. Not only are we concentrating on Prisons but we are actively engaged in Hollywood , International Corporations and other various verticals.

Ready Fire Aim! Blessings to those who climb aboard The OAX ( The Out Alive Express) 1 Thessalonians 4:17. No taxation without representation! Go Pats, Sox, Celts and B’s!! Obviously God is a Boston Fan.

Another purpose of this website is to show some humanity of the Race he has run so far and some of the tilted characters who have run with him. Pictures, stories, ( many of which will have photo and video back up if you don’t believe some of this insanity), writings and quotes from men alive and some that have passed, music, family and videos which will include some pretty abnormal things you don’t see every day. We realize there are many families and people out there who have had different exciting things in their lives . Duke is just one of many and we thought it might be interesting to lay it out there for both truth and entertainment. Blessings to all who want to come in, climb aboard and take a peek of the madness. Bon Appétit!! Shut Up We Luv Ya’s!

P.S. For any of you who are truly accountable to The Author of all things and are offended by any of the content (some of which come from Dukey’s BC Days), a lot has been left out and we are only scratching the surface. Also, this website is primarily for people at Matthews house not Peters so our suggestion to the complainers would be to knock on Matthews door and see what’s going on inside. Matthew 9.

If you would like to get updates here and there on what is happening in the ministry along with some from what we believe is solid intel on current Global Geopolitical events, we have different areas on the website that can get you some of the information you may want or need . Don’t drink from the toilet. There is a lot of crazy info out there. Proverbs 22:3 - “The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.”


In Dukey’s own words …

myinstatwitokface” posts!

“You are not your own.” (1 Cor 6:19b)

This big red arrow is pointing to our social media links.

Click on Dukey’s nose to support our ministry and enjoy the book!