Be Careful Abroad
Dukey, always in pursuit of a new experience, found it on a camel. Khufu The Great Pyramid [CLICK] provided a new scene or actually an ancient scene. After riding a camel around the unbelievably huge Triangular Beasts, Dukey found himself at the bottom of the Pyramid of Khufu or The Great Pyramid of Cheops. It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient Word, and the only one to remain largely intact. So it was very old but one that was new to Dukey. The camel plodded its way around the pyramid while Dukey sucked in the sight. Awesome!
After dismounting the camel Dukey stood next to the pyramid and was miniaturized by the gigantic monument. All that was needed was some form of competition so that Dukey could prove he was always a winner. Off to the right he spotted a youth about twenty yards away. He was probably age fifteen or so with the appearance of an Egyptian. He made eye contact with the kid and turned his head to peer at the top of the pyramid. Then he looked back at youth and made a gesture at the peak. They probably had no common language, but the young Egyptian caught on immediately and burst into laughter.
Dukey put his hands on the first block, which was about waist high, and climbed up. The Egyptian did the same and the race was on. Who could climb higher and faster?
Carole, Dukey’s sister, watched as the competitors proceeded up one block at a time. After about 20 blocks the sweat started to pour. Dukey looked to the right and the Khufu Kid was right with him. They laughed as they ascended the pyramid’s side. Dukey was 6 feet and 185 pounds of solid rock. Each gain by the opponent was met with greater effort. No one was going to drop out. No one was going to back down. Dukey admired his younger opponent but he wasn’t about to be whipped by the likeable Khufu Kid. They ascended about two-thirds of the way up and by unstated agreement paused for a few moments. Dukey looked over Cairo — a sight he would never forget. There was one gnawing problem — it was a long way to ground level!
The first few steps down were discernible but quickly they merged into one long, straight shot down. Dukey jumped the first few steps standing erect. Some of the blocks were chipped, and he thought how easily one could slip. He had a sense of panic when he realized bouncing down the side of the pyramid was likely a life-ending way to go. He wasn’t ready for that, so he sat down took each step down carefully and individually. Khufu Kid must have already known the danger and made no effort to beat the American to ground level.
The trip down the pyramid took twice as long as the climb going up. After reaching the bottom Dukey slapped a high five with Khufu Kid. Pretty crazy stuff. Dukey was all lathered up as he proceeded with Carole to the tunnel leading into the pyramid. Another climb awaited them inside. They scaled up the stairs of the belly of the pyramid. At the end of the interior climb, about half the height of the exterior, deep in the bowels
of the monument, was a coffin. Duke posed in the coffin, pretending to be dead. He almost was from his “I’ll-beat-you-to-top” competition with Khufu Kid.