Dining with Fine Young Cannibals

With all the contacts money and connections in the 80s, it was pretty routine to have all access passes at sporting and musical events. I think this night we went a little bit too far. We arrived early at Irvine Meadows in Southern California for the band, Fine Young Cannibals. We were able to walk freely wherever we wanted around the whole venue. This included around the arena and backstage with the band.  Forgive me if I don’t remember what we were drinking but it was getting late, and Ned was having some problems. I was right on stage enjoying the music when I noticed that Ned was standing about 3 feet from the drummers symbols. He was in complete view from the audience. Just as I was making my move to get him, a stage manager grabbed him by the back of the shirt and started dragging him off the stage. It almost turned into a little fisticuffs. He noticed the all access passes but really didn’t care much for us and our demeanor. I put on my nice attitude and assured him that I had Neds back and would make sure nothing like that would happen again. I think we spent most of the rest of the concert in a golf cart cruising around and flirting with the local establishment.