Paintball and Police 

A good part of the idiot gang decided to go play paintball wars in Canoga Park. They all met at the Denny’s restaurant near the 405. After a hearty breakfast they were all mingling outside before taking the car caravan north. One of the morons loaded a paintball and shot it at the Denny’s sign and then left with three of the other brave soldiers leaving the rest mingling in the parking lot. Well go figure, someone called the cops and reported there were gunshotst. About five cruisers came barreling into the parking lot guns pointing at us and telling us to get down on the ground. Cohane barked out don’t freakin shoot us! Dukey being the fluent spokes person for the gang tried explaining to  one of the cops that they were going to Canoga Park for paintball war. I don’t think he liked Dukey‘s Boston accent as he fired back at Dukey, “well it looks like you’re going to be a little late for Canoga Paaaaaaark!!!” After a good 10 minutes it looked like the Sergeant was on our side, as he stated, it looks like we have a whole pile of nothing going on here, and let us go. Lots of video from that whacked day which included drinking adult beverages while guarding the flag. That obviously didn’t work out too well.