Himalayan Tibet Squalls at 17,000 Feet

The Duke and his gang of missionaries just got off the trail and it was late afternoon. They were giving out wind up and solar gospels in the Tibetan language along with other products. Six of the missionaries went high in the mountains while six went in the valleys. Dukey took the highroad with five others. While everyone was chatting Dukey noticed a squall up against the Himalayas which went as high as 23,500 feet. He told his tent mate Matt to look at it and they decided to get to work putting up the tent real quick. Upon completion Dukey noticed a big pile of mud maybe 30 feet Long by 10 feet wide about 20 yards away. He asked the guide whose name was Seger (click) which he called Bob for obvious reasons what it was and Bob took them over to the mound of mud. On the backside was a small gate which Segar opened and they went through a small door. Amazed, Matt and Tom were inside completely out of the wind and cold which was approaching rapidly. The mound of mud was made of hay, mud and rock which made it very solid. On the inside was a circular hole maybe 5 feet in diameter. Under it was an unbelievably engineered stove like system made of rock and mud that could burn wood. Bob proceeded to start a nice fire and amazingly the smoke went out the hole. The two climbers relaxed on the inside. As the storm came in it pretty much blew the other guys around as they were scrambling to make their tents. The fearsome foursome on the outside finally came into the mud cabin completely soaked and wind blown. They all relaxed in there for a few hours before they went to their tents for a night sleep. The moral of the story is to keep your head up when you are in the clouds of the Himalayas. The next day they went as high as 17,000 feet which is a whole other insane story.

The very next morning it was real early. So early you could barely see outside but Dukey had to relieve himself and it wasn’t number one. He grabbed a roll out of his backpack and unzipped the tent and made his way out into the middle of nowhere. The tops of the mountains were completely covered with snow of course because they were all above 20,000 feet so the path was dimly lit from the reflection off the snow as Dukey made his way outside the camp. He did not want to pollute the ground near the tents so he walked maybe 200 yards as it started to get a little lighter. Still not thinking he was far enough he walked a little further and found some rocks that were close together and did his duty between them. By now the sunrise was just beginning to make things visible when Dukey noticed that the spot he was in was where everybody else had also been. What a mess. And it wasn’t from the Yaks. After breakfast the mountain missionaries started climbing up the side of a plateau which took them up to 17,500 feet. After accomplishing that goal they sat in probably 65° of sunshine and had a nice lunch. Their backpacks had wind up and solar New testament gospels in the Tibetan language and nobody to use them. They suddenly noticed on the other side of the plateau was a steep trail which led down into a small village. They knew what they had to do and that was to climb down there and give these people a Dose Of The Ghost. Ridiculously out of nowhere a short maybe 30 year old man wearing penny loafers came out heading toward them coming from the Village. The guides talked to this man and decided to load him up with some bags of gospel goodies. Within 15 minutes the man went back down loaded up with the goods for his village. The job was done for the day so they all started heading back down towards the tents which they could see off in the distance. All of a sudden, a squall came in and the temperature dropped big time. Visibility was less than 20 feet as they were trying to make their way off the plateau while the wind was howling. After about five or 10 minutes of this madness it was suddenly gone as quick as it came in and they could see the tents again. The gang then proceeded back down the plateau safely to the camp. After some deep thought Dukey realized that the 30 year old man they met on the plateau may not of been human. No joke! It says in Hebrews 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for their by some have entertained angels unaware. Who was that guy they loaded up with gospels? Penny loafers? Where did that storm all of a sudden come from? Coincidence? What would’ve happened if they hiked all the way down to the village? Maybe the author of all things like he always is was involved heavenly on this day. You decide.