Is it a Good Idea to Sit Next to a Coconut Tree?
It was 1989 when The Duke of Prunes decided to take off by himself for a few months and get in a bunch of countries in Asia. He managed to get in 11 which took him a few months. A few weeks into the tour he was laying in a lounge chair on a beautiful beach in Pattya , Thailand. It was his first day there and he was just outside his beach bungalow. (Click) A wild little monkey decided to come by looking for food but Duke had nothing but a large adult beverage with him. He thought to himself you don’t see that every day in downtown Bean Town. The little guy could’ve ripped all Dukes hair out in about 10 seconds. Sucking it all in with the beautiful surroundings a loud thud landed about a foot from his chair maybe less. Right then and there, he learned a quick lesson for the rest of his excursion. Don’t lay or walk next to coconut trees unless you want a coconut to land on your coconut.