A Night with The Who?
Crashing a Party
It was 1989 and perhaps the greatest show The Who ever did. They did the entire Tommy Album starting with Elton John, Phil Collins, Billy Idol, Patti La Belle and Steve Winwood. Then they backed it up with assorted greats!! Dukey and his partner Loni sat in the balcony behind the sound board.
After the concert there was a huge party in Universal with pin ball machines, food, and everything else for one of the biggest such events Dukey had ever been to. The only problem was that Loni and Dukey didn’t have the 500-dollar donation tickets so here we go!! As they approached the gates Dukey showed his concert ticket while Loni ran through the line off tackle into the crowd leaving Dukey caught and playing it stupid.
Now how does Dukey get in? Loni was jumping up and down about 20 yards on the inside laughing it up. Dukey saw a wall along side the Universal entrance. He climbed the back side of the wall so no one could see him. He stepped over the top and prepared to descend the wall on the Universal side, but the ground on the Universal side was landscaped so it was much farther down. Loni came over and assured Dukey he would break his fall but it looked like a broken leg for sure.
So Dukey came up with another plan using the restaurant on the other side of Universal. He went around back and notice a pretty large fence with a locked gate and a chain around the lock. There were two guards on the other side of the fence walking back and forth in an area loaded with limo’s.
To Dukey it felt like The Great Escape when they couldn’t see Steve Mcqueen between the two guard houses. Dukey ducked into the shadows about 20 feet from the fence and waited. When the guards walked in opposite directions, Dukey ran to scale the whole fence intending to step off the lock and chain, but when he hit it, the chain and lock came undone and fell to the ground.
The gate opened and Dukey rolled across a few Limos and never looked back at the guards as he merged into the crowd. He snuck up behind Loni and scared him. They were in! What a stankin blast. People everywhere. Free grub, pinball games, booze and beer!! Now the next trick! There was a party within the party. This party was VIPs only. We could see Roger Daltrey, Pete Townsend, and John Entwistle hanging at a table with a bunch of people. There was a popcorn girl next to the entrance and security everywhere. Dukey cut behind the popcorn girl and pretended he was selling popcorn next to her and making a big joke out of it as he slipped behind security. Now Dukey was in and Loni was out!! Loni figured it out and did the same thing minutes later.
They ended up with the band drinking champagne and talking to them and all sorts of celebs. Entwistle had some gum on his shoe so Dukey asked him, “With all the people that support the band why don’t you have a special Gum Removing guy.” Entwistle laughed and slapped Dukey on the back enjoying the twisted humor. They stayed there pretty much the rest of the insane evening!! Strangely Dukey had met Entwistle a couple nights before at The Roxy and bought him a drink.