Moody Blues
Swinging away
Dukey’s Ticket to the Moody Blues
Crash Kelly and Dukey had Harvey Z’s back stage passes at the Universal Ampithreatre, and, as usual, used them wisely. They had been hitting it pretty hard and ended up in a semi-circle with Moody band members Justin Hayward, Graeme Edge, and John Lodge doing all sorts of stupid stuff. Dukey went to the bathroom and on the way back there was a girl walking in front of him who just came out of the bathroom and had about 30 feet (no lie) of toilet paper stuck to her shoe. As Dukey approached the band members, he picked up the trail and pretended to have a sneezing attack in it. The boys all let out a big laugh. Then Graeme who seemed a bit lit grabbed the girl and gave her a big kiss as he bent her down. The next thing Dukey knew this girl was whaling at Graeme hard using the strap of her pocket book to give her more leverage. Kelly and Dukey stepped in. She was not happy!!