Heavenly Engaged
Was the Moron Really Hurt?
January 26, 1992 — South Lake Tahoe
It was dawn and there needed to be some pre work for the task at hand: packing the music, the champagne, Dom Perignon of course, the champagne glasses and this little box with a ring in it. They were at the mountain early and Dukey put all the stuff in a locker. He then proceeded, without Pam knowing, to find a ski patrol guy to fill in on the plan. He had a good spot about a quarter mile from the top all picked out looking over the prettiest lake on the planet. The stage was set. The patrol had the key to the locker and it was game on. After a couple runs with Gorgeous he gave the guys the nod at the bottom and they went into action. After reaching the top the fool took the same slope he previously took and his date followed. Being the most humbly amazing skier out there, he took off and flew down to the spot where two snowmobiles were waiting on the edge of a roped-off semi cliff. Dopey pulled in real fast and lay down between the snowmobiles so everyone skiing down could see. Pam came about a minute later and saw the idiot lying there with the snowmobiles around him. In a panic she came over and asked, “What happened?” Dukey proceeded to tell her he fell on something and started to pull out the little box. Not getting it yet, Pam thought he was going to propose, but instead fell and got hurt. One of the patrol guys grabbed his phone pretending to call for more help to get the poor slob down the hill when Pam asked, “What’s wrong with him?” “Lady the only thing wrong with this guy is his head!!!” He then pulled out the blaster and blasted the songs by Supertramp Dreamer and The Meaning while pulling out the Dom. [CLICK!]! “Well, ...” said the patroller. “He hasn’t asked me yet,” said Pam so the moron then sprang the question and they lived happily ever after.
Tonto Directs Concert Connections Assigns Dukey to pick up Bono’s Laundry It was April 22, 1987, when Dukey got a typical call from his old roommate Tonto who had more connections for concerts than all celebrities put together. He worked for Avalon and others. Being his roommate brought to life many long enchanted evenings. Dukey was planning on meeting him at the L.A. Sports Arena for a U2 concert. Tonto called early and told him to pick up the band’s laundry on the way in. Dukey wondered how he got into these situations, but he didn’t have an answer. So he jumped into his Corvette [Click] and headed to the assigned laundry place. He picked up the goods and headed over to the arena. Dukey rolled down the ramp and told security what was going on and turned over the freshly laundered clothing to Tonto. He then parked the Vet and joined Tonto at what he believed to best the best rock and roll band since 1980. They spent a few minutes with the U2 guys. It was no big deal at the time though because he met so many people back then it was just a quick hello, here’s your stankin’ laundry and a couple minute conversation. Off to back stage and eventually to my seat. U2 should give me your laundry someday. Yuk! Yuk!