Playing Bass in a Band While Your Phone is Exploding

 4-8-22 2:45 AM. The Duke had to get up early to make sure he got his wife Pam to USC Keck for her cancer operation which took 5 1/2 hours. After successful surgery he drove to Westlake Village while his wife Pam stayed overnight at the hospital. The Duke was up 21 straight hours and after waking up the next morning went to pick his wife up and make the journey back up the hill to Tehachapi. After all was settled and his wife was stable she told him she felt ok for him to go play in the band that night which was tentatively set up. He told her he would keep his phone on vibrate in case she needed anything. About midway through the set that evening the phone blew up with all sorts of text messages. The phone was in his pocket so in between songs he had to look to see if it was his wife. He was getting text messages from all over the planet. People who were wondering how Pam was doing ect. There were many group texts also. Being totally exhausted and not practicing much for this gig he turned the volume off on his bass a few times as he got lost in the middle of some songs. He kept laughing to himself as the night went onward. Some songs he was totally fine and was really getting into it but other songs he was completely whacked. He is never quite sure why The Author of all things gets him into some of these predicaments. He really believes the Lord and his angels have a good time with him sometimes after all The Lord created laughter. The joy of the Lord is strength. Nehemiah 8:10